Ergonomic Risk in Office Work: issues, solutions and workers’ welfare

Il Rischio Ergonomico nel lavoro d'ufficio - Siq

Seemingly innocuous office work can hide significant ergonomic risks. These hazards, resulting from poor postures, repetitive movements and inadequate environmental conditions, can adversely affect workers’ physical and mental health. Ergonomics, then, is not just a matter of comfort, but a crucial element in the overall safety and well-being of employees. Ergonomic risk: common problems Ergonomic […]

High temperatures and outdoor work: risks and prevention

Alte temperature e lavoro all'aperto: rischi e prevenzione - SiQ

Working outdoors can be rewarding in all seasons, but when outdoor temperatures rise and become high, there is a risk of experiencing adverse effects on workers’ health and safety.
Let’s find out together the risks and related prevention measures.